32 Comments Join the Conversation

  1. wonderful words and photo. I love these geese. They fly over our house in autumn and spring as well as the cranes. It’s so nice when you hear them chatting and twittering in the air, it gives such a joy for nature. Have a nice day, Thomas, kind regards Mitza


  2. A beautiful picture Tom. I love those fuzzy goslings and how quickly they grow up to be awkward-looking teenagers, all legs and canoe-shaped bodies. Mama will protect her young if you as much as glance their way and that is always so heartwarming to see. We’ve remained unscathed from the snow, though it fell in the northern suburbs, but we are dealing with this wind again. Winter-like weather seems to be hanging on just a little longer – ugh.


    • I am really fascinated by the teenager geese, Linda! 🙂 They seem so very Velociraptor-like in their appearance, except, of course, there is not the aggression. Birds truly are dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction; now if they can only survive the pollution and environmental-neglect by man.


      • Though I like dinosaurs, I had to Google to find an image of Velociraptor. The goslings are cute and fuzzy like your picture and next thing you know they are huge! On weekends I have more time to view them on the path at the park as they are trailing after their parents or grazing, and it seems in the space of one week, they have longer legs, and bigger bodies or have essentially grown 2X the size. Here’s a pic of the gangly teenagers and I hope I haven’t sent this to you before. I’ve sent a few people this picture of the family as I mentioned the geese and their offspring. I’m looking forward to the gosling’s arrival in about a month’s time.

        I don’t know how the birds survive in the smog-ridden cities, or they get wounded by wind turbines; or silly people shoot them with arrows or try to run over them when they cross the street; it a losing battle for the poor birds. We lost a lot of waterfowl a few years ago during a very warm Summer. Nothing was being done by the DNR with the algae bloom and we had a bad drought – the ducks were hard hit as they needed to drink water and could find no drinking water as there was algae bloom everywhere. This did not happen in the park where I walk thankfully, but other parks that are near wetlands lost many ducks that Summer. People came to the marsh as there is a walking path there and were horrified to find many dead ducks.

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